Hwa Tsang Buddhist Monastery 華藏寺

Tuition Program 課業輔導

The monastery conducts after school tuition classes for high school students. We provide academic assistance as well as moral guidance and teach practical life skills such as self-discipline and the ability to co-operate with students from all backgrounds.

Formal classes are supplemented with extra-curricular activities to help foster friendship and encourage teamwork amongst the students.

With the kind support of Homebush Boys’ High School, classes are conducted on school grounds during weekdays after school hours. We also conduct online-based learning when deemed necessary by public health advice on Covid19.

The day-to-day operations of the tuition program are managed by the monastery’s Board of Education, a subcommittee overseen by the Executive Committee.

The tuition program offers classes for year 7 to 12. Applications can still be submitted for year 5 and 6 students, who will be placed on the waiting list and be formally enrolled once they commence high school.



承蒙Homebush 中學的支持,課業輔導課程週一至週五放學後,在該校校區進行。在新冠疫情期間,轉為線上學習,目前課程仍然在線上進行。


本寺課業輔導班乃為中學生而設(七年級至十二年級) 。 五年級及六年級的小學生可先做候補報名,待中學時才正式註冊上課。

Application 申請

To make an application or appointment, please fill in the online form, email at info@htm.org.au, or call us (between Monday – Friday 4 PM – 7 PM).

有興趣者,請填寫以下連線表格,電郵至info@htm.org.au, 或電話 0297466334