Hwa Tsang Buddhist Monastery 華藏寺

Religious Services 法會

The monastery conducts a variety of regular Buddhist services that are open to all members and the general public.

Regular Service Ceremonies 定期法會

We hold services to commemorate significant Buddhist events throughout the year, as well as members’ birthday blessing [as per the Annual Calendar linked below. Services start at 9 AM].
We also hold services on the 1st and 15th days (new moon and full moon day) of the lunar calendar [start at 10.30 AM].

我們常年定期舉行佛菩薩聖誕法會以憶念佛菩薩之聖德與教法,並舉行消災祈福法會為會員慶生 (如以下行事曆所示,早上九點整開始)。
另外,亦於農曆初一、十五日舉行供佛法會 (早上十點半開始)。 

Attending Our Services 參加法會活動

The monastery is situated within a residential area with only streetside parking available. We encourage you to come by train wherever possible, as train services are fairly frequent and the station within walking distance: Flemington Station (10 minutes), Homebush Station (15 minutes), Strathfield Station (30 minutes).

Due to the proximity to our residential neighbours, devotees are requested to be mindful of the noise level. Smoking will not be permitted within the monastery compound. It is also customary to remove our shoes before entering the main hall or library wing.

本寺座落於住宅區,來訪車輛只可停附近街道邊,有可能的話,請盡量搭火車來。火車班次多,華藏寺離Flemington 火車站步行10分鐘、Homebush 火車站步行15分鐘、Strathfield 火車站步行30分鐘。