HTM Community Facilities Building Project 華藏寺活動中心建設

HTM Community Facilities Building Project 華藏寺活動中心建設

About The Project 簡介

Hwa Tsang Monastery (HTM)’s long term objective is to create a more conducive space for everyone to come together to practice the Buddha Path. This has led to the idea of building the HTM Community Facilities.

HTM has been given approval to build this Community Facilities. The facility will be built on 32-34 Bates St, Homebush, New South Wales.

The construction is planned to begin at the end of 2024, and we urgently need to raise AUD$4 million to start the project.

華藏寺⾃創寺以來, 即希望能夠提供⼤家⼀個更良好的環境共同來修學佛法, 這促成了建設《華藏寺活動中⼼》的構想。
《華藏寺活動中⼼》的『發展計劃』及『建築計劃』皆已獲正式核准。擴建地點在本寺正背後的兩塊地32-34 Bates Street。此建設計劃於2024年底動⼯,我們急需籌集400萬澳元才能啟動⼯程。
我們懇切期盼諸⽅善信⿍⼒協助, 讓此⼯程能早⽇成功實現。

What This Facility Will Provide to the Community

Learning Spaces


Meeting/Resource Rooms


Office Space


Dharma Classes


Multipurpose Hall




Meditation Classes


Consultation Room


Help us spread awareness

We sincerely encourage all our Dharma friends to support this project. Please encourage all your family and friends to cultivate merits in raising this much needed fund.
The Executive Committee will update the fundraising and construction progress in the Bi-Monthly Bulletin.

Please contact us +61297466334 or email if you know of anyone who would like to assist in fundraising.

我們真誠地⿎勵所有佛友⽀持這個建設。懇請⼤家發⼤⼼, 護正法, 掌握良緣種福⽥, 讓此建設早⽇圓滿完成, 利樂⼤眾。
若您認識任何⼈有興趣協助籌款, 請與我們聯系 +61297466334或電郵


Be a Fundraiser

Get together with your family, friends, colleagues and raise much needed funds. Here are some suggested fundraising activities.

  • Initiate collective effort:
    • Actively approach and encourage your relatives and friends to donate. To avoid unnecessary hassle, strictly no street collection.
    • Set a targeted amount you wish to fundraise. Encourage your relatives and friends to donate to achieve this amount.
  • Food sales (or other items) at festivals/markets/among friends.
  • Physical events for charity – running, bush walking, picnics, art classes, music classes, etc.
  • Cultivate merits during celebrations – birthdays, weddings, etc.
  • Give it up – e.g. trade in your coffee, tea beverages, get your community involved in doing it together.
  • You are welcome to provide more fundraising ideas.

Talk to us about your fundraising initiative and get a copy of our Fundraising Guide. Email: | Tel: +61297466334

發⼤願⼼, 廣種福⽥, 並積極帶動您的家⼈, 同事, 朋友⼀起籌集這迫切需要的資⾦, 以下是⼀些募款活動的建議。

  • 千元結萬緣
    • 發⼼積極⿎勵親朋好友樂捐 (為避免不必要的⿇煩,本寺禁⽌街頭募款)
    • 發⼼籌募⼀個設定⾦額, 召集親朋好友⿑⼼協⼒, 達成這⽬標
  • 義賣 – 於節⽇或市場或朋友之間的⻝物或其他物品的銷售
  • 慈善活動 – 跑步活動、叢林漫步活動、野餐、藝術⾳樂班等
  • 慶典培福 – ⽣⽇、婚禮等
  • ⿎勵您認識的⼈參與, 例如: 省下每天在外的咖啡或茶錢做為捐款.
  • 歡迎您提供更多的募款建議

歡迎與我們討論您的籌款計劃,我們將提供您華藏寺的《募款指南 》。

How to Donate to Us

Donation can be made in person at HTM or electronic fund transfer.

Bank 銀⾏ : Westpac Banking Corporation
Swift Code 國際代號 : WPACAU2S
(Use WPACAU2SXXX if 11 characters are required)
(若需要11個字請⽤ WPACAU2SXXX)
Account Name 戶⼝名稱 : Hwa Tsang Monastery
BSB 網絡編碼 : 032024
Account Number 戶⼝號碼 : 931914

You can also set up a regular donation to HTM bank account or give cash/cheque at the monastery. Please ask us for a Regular Donation Form
or fill in the online form. Please send a remittance of your donation to, so a receipt can be issued.
Donation for the community project is NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
您也可以設定銀⾏定期捐款(周供/⽉供/季供), 或以現⾦或⽀票交到華藏寺。請向我們索取⼀份定期捐款表格,或填寫本寺網站上的線上定期捐款表格。捐款後請寫信到 ,以便我們寄發收據。此捐款不能扣稅。

Your continuous support is much needed and appreciated.